






To think about it calmly, It is not extraordinary of Japanese parents to matchmake their unmarried children, especially for families having family business.


As most people know, the world of Kabuki is supported by kind of hereditary.


In such a world, the wives of successors must play a crucial role.

So families attach importance to the social standing of new wives, for example, the power of her families, her educational background, and her management skills.


Do you know Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

He had an arranged marriage.

It is incredible that the marriage was arranged by not their parents, but their grandmothers


But their relationship is good.

His wife, Yuko Kishida, can speak English well.

And she comes from Hiroshima prefecture.

Kishida's constituency is in Hiroshima prefecture.

Japanese diet members attach importance to their election districts.

Yuko Kishida is suitable for a wife of Japanese politicians.

If Fumio Kishida found his wife by his emotion, he couldn't have got such a clever and polite wife.